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Yr 3 & 4 Gymnastics


In total we had 18 teams across five schools competing in this year’s 3& 4 gymnastics competition which is a fantastic effort from all schools involved to organise and prepare your youngsters for this event. And what a fantastic job each of those 70+ budding gymnastics did. Each gymnast had the opportunity to practice their skills on a circuit of apparatus based activities before completing their routines on the floor and on the vault. The composure and discipline they demonstrated to perform their routines under judging conditions was spectacular, they are all very brave and should be really proud of their performances. As always the results were very tight and after juggling with the numbers for a lengthy time we can say congratulations to Arundel girls and River Beach A boys for taking top spot in the single gender competition. And with the top team from each school combining points River Beach take the overall winners certificate, really well done.

As always a big thanks go to sports leaders from TLA who helped at the event and to Mrs Hall [Cornfield School] and of course to the PE Coordinators and coaches who helped prepare the gymnasts.

Ms Fell & Mr Jones 


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